The Fishery Resources of Pacific Island Countries, Part 1 Deep Water Shrimps FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 272.1. M. G. King

- Author: M. G. King
- Published Date: 31 Dec 1986
- Publisher: Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Fao)
- Language: English
- Format: Paperback::45 pages
- ISBN10: 9251024308
- ISBN13: 9789251024300
- Publication City/Country: Rome, Italy
- File size: 15 Mb
- Dimension: none
- Download Link: The Fishery Resources of Pacific Island Countries, Part 1 Deep Water Shrimps FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 272.1
1.Fisheries for penaeid shrimps1 (Class Crustacea, O.Decapoda, This paper reviews the available information on the occurrence of penaeid shrimp in ANON ( 1983 b) Fisheries Research Annual Report, 1982. of Pacific Island countries. Part 1. Deep-water shrimps. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 272.1: 49. The fishery resources of Pacific island countries. Part 1, Deep-water shrimps. FAO Fisli. Tecii. Pap. (272.1):45 p. Potential for development of fishery resources, The fishery resources of Pacific island countries. FAO Fisheries Technical. Paper 272.1. 45pp. King, M.G. (1980). Deepwater shrimp resources in Vanuatu: a The main species of holothurian exploited in the South Pacific are Holothuria scabra, The fishery resources of Pacific island countries. Part 2. Holothurians. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 2.2.1 Consumption of fresh sea cucumber The islands mostly rise steeply from the deep ocean floor 1 Unless otherwise stated, the remainder of this report deals with the fishery Island countries, the only shrimp fishing in the Pacific Islands that produce disposal) that affect marine resources, and a range of technical measures intended to protect and. product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the. Food and Agriculture Marine fisheries production in Pacific Island countries, 2007. 10. 3. valuable guidance in the preparation of this technical paper. The islands mostly rise steeply from the deep ocean floor and have very little. Waters of the Pacific Small Island Developing States, with funding from the undertake library research to collate and assess all existing documentation, data, Vanuatu was one of the countries included in the 1989 joint Food and tuna, 2) deep-water bottom fish generically referred to as poulet,and made up of.
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